Heat Therapy and Essential Oils for Pain Relief

Toothache and Sensitivity During Winter

In most cases, tooth pain is caused by a cavity or an exposed root, but believe it or not, cold weather can also trigger sensitivity and pain, and even worsen the symptoms of pre-existing dental problems. Furthermore, 1 in 8 adults may have tooth sensitivity to cold, which only intensifies during the colder months. And while this may be a good reason to visit the dentist, there are a few natural options that can lessen the pain, which you can try at home.

Warmth reduces pain

Placing heat-emitting pads on the sensitive area can lessen the pain, as it warms up the surface and increases blood flow. It also helps the muscles – in this case, the face muscles – relax, which in turn also increases blood flow in the gums. Placing a warm pad on the cheek automatically causes the inside of the mouth to warm up without actually affecting the tooth enamel with any liquid or other substance. Needless to say, it is a non-invasive and effective way to reduce pain. 

Peppermint and its numbing property 

If one is experiencing tooth pain due to a combination of cold sensitivity and a cavity, the smartest step would be to visit the dentist. However, in case you’re on the waiting list and need something to numb your pain, peppermint oil will do the trick. The two active ingredients in peppermint are menthol and methyl salicylate, which have an antispasmodic and numbing effect. In case of a toothache, a very small amount of it (1 drop) should be rubbed on the gums – not the tooth itself – to relieve tension and pain. The effects are practically immediate and long-lasting. Because it’s a natural substance, it can be reapplied a few times a day, and it won’t interact with other numbing agents your dentist may apply later on during your appointment.

Aloe vera gel to strengthen enamel 

If you’re still experiencing discomfort due to cold after all your cavities have been treated, try applying an enamel strengthening substance. It’s always best to start with something natural like aloe vera gel, which creates a protective layer and helps the enamel regenerate. In case you find that it’s not as effective as you’d hoped it would be, ask your dentist for other enamel-strengthening treatments.

Taking care of your teeth is important, so make sure you do everything you can this winter to keep them healthy. Don’t postpone your yearly visit to the dentist’s – it’ll worth your time and effort in the long run.